Stucky's Bridge

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In the year 1850, Stuckeys Bridge was constructed as the primary passage spanning the Chunky River. Historical records found in the Lauderdale County Archives include a contract penned in 1847 for the bridge’s construction, indicating that it was completed around 1850. However, in 1901, the Virginia Bridge and Iron Business replaced the original structure with a new bridge.

Legend has it that a notorious member of the Dalton Gang, known as “Stuckey,” owned an inn in close proximity to the bridge. It is said that Stuckey would rob and murder his unsuspecting guests at the inn. Eventually, his crimes caught up with him, and he was apprehended and executed by hanging from the newly erected bridge. As a result, tales began to circulate about Stuckey’s ghost haunting the bridge. Witnesses claimed to have seen an elderly figure carrying a lantern along the river’s edge, and some even reported eerie visions of his lifeless body suspended from the bridge.

This paranormal site in Mississippi gained recognition when it was featured on the television series “Most Terrifying Places in America.” In 2018, an episode titled “Haunted Road Trips” aired on the Travel Channel, highlighting the bridge. Consequently, the bridge earned the moniker of “Old Man Stuckeys.”

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