Stuckys Bridge

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On January 31, 1915, Kelly Mitchell, known as the “Queen of the Gypsies,” passed away while attempting to give birth to her 15th child at the age of 47. She died in a gypsy camp located in Coatopa, Alabama.

Her husband, King Emil, made the decision to lay Kelly to rest 40 miles west, across the state line in Meridian, Mississippi. At the time, Meridian was already referred to as “The Queen City,” which may have influenced the King’s choice.

Contrary to popular belief, many people mistakenly assume that Meridian earned its title because of the gypsy queen’s burial, but this is not the case.

The decision to choose Meridian as the burial site was primarily driven by practical reasons. It was the closest location with a refrigerated morgue. The Queen of the Gypsies required refrigeration because it took 12 days for America’s gypsy community to make arrangements for her funeral.

The burial was an elaborate affair, with over 20,000 gypsies arriving in the city on special trains. Over time, legends emerged claiming that Kelly’s casket was made of gold and that mourners had thrown $20 gold pieces into her grave.

The cracked capstone of the Queen’s tomb bears witness to the superstitious individuals who have repeatedly tried to find gypsy treasure, damaging it in the process.

Twenty-seven years later, when Emil passed away, he made the decision to be buried alongside the Queen of the Gypsies. His funeral took place during the depths of World War II and was modest in nature, resulting in his tomb remaining undisturbed.

In the cemetery, the tombs of both the King and Queen, but particularly the Queen’s, are easily recognizable. They are adorned with Mardi Gras bead necklaces, trinkets, flowers, costume jewelry, as well as offerings of whiskey and pocket money.

These items left at the tombs are not expressions of love, but rather bribes left with the belief that they will attract Kelly or Emil into the dream realm to solve one’s problems.

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