Sinister Tale of Norman Barley

In “Sinister Tale of Norman Barley,” two detectives delve into a murder case involving mysterious tarot-like cards possessed by the female victim. Their investigation uncovers the historic Deck of Misfortune, leading them to a sinister connection with Norman Barley’s Twisted Carnival sideshow. As they pursue leads, they are met with chilling encounters—one detective discovers a lifeless body while another narrowly escapes an attack by sinister figures tied to the carnival.

The narrative unfolds in a gripping sequence of events as the detectives confront the dark forces entwined with the ancient tarot cards. The story weaves together elements of mystery, horror, and supernatural intrigue, culminating in a chilling revelation of ancient vendettas and the consequences of meddling with dark forces beyond comprehension.

Now that the scope of our movie has been established, Director Gene Hamil will commence the scriptwriting process. Following the completion of the script, casting calls and further production activities will ensue.

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