Human Camel

Content Warning: The circus side show industry predominantly employed individuals with disabilities who faced challenges in securing alternative employment opportunities. Despite these obstacles, many of them enjoyed substantial financial compensation and lived fulfilling lives. The primary objective of this article is to provide knowledge and commemorate the lives of these individuals. It should be emphasized that the intention is not to diminish their worth or dignity based on their disabilities.

The following content contains sensitive material that may be distressing or triggering for some individuals. Reader discretion is advised.

Ella Harper, born on January 5, 1870, and passing away on December 19, 1921, gained fame under the stage name “The Camel Girl.” Her unique condition, known as congenital genu recurvatum, caused her knees to bend backward, leading her to prefer walking on all fours, hence the nickname “Camel Girl.” In 1886, she became the star attraction of W. H. Harris’s Nickel Plate Circus, capturing attention in newspapers wherever the circus traveled. On the back of her pitch card, it was stated:

“I am called the Camel Girl because my knees turn backward. I can walk best on my hands and feet, as you see me in the picture. I have traveled extensively in the show business for the past four years. Now, in 1886, I intend to leave the show business and pursue an education to prepare myself for another profession.”

Her remarkable talents earned her a salary of $200 per week, a substantial sum that likely opened up new opportunities for her. Following her passing, Ella Harper found her final resting place in Spring Hill Cemetery, located in Nashville, Tennessee.

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